Tuesday, June 29, 2021

sickness to wellness

We all have experienced sickness, Sometimes it is temporary health issue, sometimes it takes long time to get over it, if you are going through a long term problem, then it is a matter of concern ,if your suffering is long and not getting relief, sometimes it is a petty issue but taking too much time to heal and getting better, if you are in recovery mode still wellness is a challenge, to cover distance  between sickness to wellness is not an easy thing.

I have read book called 'AKAIGAI' ,the international best seller book, it has secret of long and happy life of the Japanese, the book emphasized on mainly that one should have a purpose of life  and stay active until the very end ,I can say active mind and youthful body. 

the more interesting things I came to know is the difference among fragile, resilience and antifragility, fragile  things or people get weakened when they are harmed, resilience for things  and people that are able to withstand harm without weakening , antifragility is beyond resilience the resilient resists shocks and stays the same but the antifragile gets  better after  being harmed .

I like the term antifragility we can apply this term antifragility in our lives when we go through  something tough, miserable, something that is attacking us, we need to be antifragile . 

sometimes we get stuck in such  situation that is neither very serious nor very small but it keeps bothering us to live peaceful and healthy life.

to get rid of health problem which is going on for a long period you have to approach in a very positive way, your mental health plays a major role if you are physically not well,

don't expect quick fix have patience .

look at people who are in more pain then you have.

get engaged yourself in some activities if your body allows , spend some time with pets, nature or anything which makes you forget everything, this is my personal experience that when you go close to nature or connect with nature you become more positive.

describe your problems to doctor clearly , talk to family, and close friends, remember one thing, that your doctor, your patience, and your mentality towards your health problems, can change  your healing story and getting cured.

Everything takes time to heal whether it is physical or emotional problem, sometimes you are on recovery mode still mind feels you are not well. 

if you are struggling with health issue for a long time ,it makes you frustrated so don't lose hope and remember the term antifragility. 

Everything takes time to heal whether it is physical or emotional problem, this is my personal experience what I felt and experienced during my sickness and when I was struggling with my health.  

Thursday, May 20, 2021


 Self love 

We all know about love, but what is self love? We usually don't notice it, it is easy to love our loved ones but self love we hardly think about it, to take care of ourselves to pay attention to our feelings, emotions and desires and accept ourselves completely no matter what happens to us. These are all parts of  loving yourself. 

So let's see what we can do to fall in love with ourselves. 


Help yourself, love yourself, to pursue an active hobby which makes you feel worthy, complete and different. Playing with a pet is real stress buster gardening is also very effective to make you cheerful. Have courage to say yes or no to friends ,family, relatives and people around you for something you want to do or you don't want to do. Be tricky to avoid uncomfortable questions and be wise and sharp enough to reply if you can't avoid.


Frustration is normal emotion if you are not getting what you want, don't blame yourself, don't isolate yourself from people. Share as much as you can, what is going on with you

Develop patience to digest critical remarks, people will comment whether you are doing exceptionally well or get doomed.


No matter how rigorous it is to wake up in the morning still follow an active routine including yoga exercise, gym, meditation anything you feel comfortable to do, take healthy diet , don't fall for any addiction like  smoking drinking ,junk food. Healthy diet and routine will make you fit and look good and it will boost your confidence.


You should have right understanding about  yourself about your feelings and emotions, pay attention what triggers you, don't force yourself to feel positive and think positive always, if possible try something that you think tough to do something  adventurous.



If possible travel once in a year anywhere where you never been, you can go with family, friends, solo trip. When you go to new place you learn new culture, language, food etc, you live in present when see completely new place or things, you come out of your comfort zone and develop a tolerance for new weather conditions people, food and new situations when you travel. 


We will not live here forever but as long as we are alive, it is our duty to be kind and gentle to ourselves, appreciate yourself every little things when you accomplish, cut off those people who don't value your presence, your efforts and your work and look down upon you, toxic and negative people suck, when you talk to yourself use better language like you are talking to a very loving person.

Monday, May 10, 2021


 Follow heart❤💕 or mind

Do you follow your mind or heart when to take a decision or giving response or doing any act.

Heart is an important part of our body, do you think it can think, do you really think so?

Following heart means you are influenced with emotions like love, anger, hurt jealousy etc.

Following mind means being practical being rational, to think all pros and cons.

I have read somewhere that if you are strong follow your heart if you are weak follow your mind.

You are always told to be practical in life “look before you leap think before you speak.”

Generally we follow our heart when we love someone or for our loved ones or for family members.when you follow your heart it makes you happy.

If you are professional running business, doing job, being head of a company or an organization you are expected to be practical rational and sometimes ruthless because so many things depend on you,

If you have to decide anything for your family members you tend to think in emotional way you are bound to think that I should not hurt them or make them angry, many emotions are involved in such case.

Always Follow Your Mind Can Make You Frustrated Same Way Always Follow Your Heart May Cost You Loss

We need to have right balance while following your heart and mind.

Following your heart makes you happy and cheerful but remember the cost you are paying for it.

For example.. You want to become a painter it is your passion and desire your heart is ready but being aware that may be it will not give you enough money, except you are a great and famous painter and your paintings are being sold on high price.

Are you ready to pay the price? are you ready for it? Ask yourself

Now your mind will tell you that it is bit a risky decision, I will do some job to earn money but I will continue my passion on holidays, or in free time. I will follow my heart for some time. And you never know one day you become a great painter your are balancing your heart and mind.

Let’s assume in other way your job is giving you name ,fame , money and you are following your mind, still you feel missing something you are missing the joy of life , so you can follow ur passion your heart in free time. To make yourself cheerful.

At last whether you are following heart or mind always be aware what price are you paying for it and after paying that price are you satisfied.

Sunday, May 9, 2021


It is very important how you talk to yourself, daily we think so many things and….. It impacts our lives, be kind and generous to yourself

When I talk to myself I remind myself the following thoughts.

A gentle reminder to myself

1) this too will pass, nothing is permanent.

2) you can’t control anything, you can just do your best.

3) At the end of the day you have to answer yourself.

4) regret is time wasting ,move on, go with the flow.

5) you can lose everything still your fate is with you.

6) you can lose money, power, status, relationship, etc still God’s blessings, your good karma, your knowledge, hope, no one can snatch from you.

7) it is inevitable that people will let you down, they will cheat you, they will turn out as a fake, still you can’t think that I am not going to trust anyone anymore, because you are good human being and many people are like you. Don’t lose hope.

8) if you will invest in people like treat them well, support them when they are in need, appreciate them, lend them ears, when they are sad, dejected and feeling blue, share your experience and knowledge with them and one day all these become blessings for you.

9)Don’t forget that you are also a dream for someone and they want to have you in reality. So you are special

10) You are a friend, guide ,mentor soul mate or may be only a hope for someone in this cruel world, you are precious,

And last thing is you don’t have to live here forever so don’t forget to enjoy your life

Saturday, May 8, 2021


 In recent time if you say crisis or misfortune one name comes to your mind is COVID it destroyed demolished everyone’s life, not a single person you can find who is not affected by it.

When you face tough times or challenges in life, it passed but made you a different person. It seems like everything failed before nature and god we have become fragile and vulnerable.

Best medical facilities failed, the fittest people got infected, you are able go to the moon and come back but you can’t survive in front of moron virus which made our lives worse than hell.

Graveyard crematorium and hospitals have become routine life no mercy from God, may be we deserve it, it crushed economy, business, jobs family education etc


1)Nature and God are above us, you can’t cross them.

2) we heard and read that health is wealth but actually we realised after covid occured…. Every day is a bonus.

3) forgive those friends and relatives who could not share your grief in such times.

4) hygiene and social distancing very important and new normal.

5) work from home is possible and we found a new way to work.

6) being fit is not enough, yoga excercise, gym all failed against corona we have seen fit people got infected

7) this calamity is an opportunity for medical and pharma industry.

8) if any calamity occurs poor are worst sufferers and this not new thing, it hits them hard.

9) we owe to our soldiers now we also owe to our doctors we can’t thank them enough for saving many lives.

10) god has arranged a special place in the hell who are involved in black marketing of medicine, oxygen, and injection and other stuff.

still everything is not as dark and gloomy, so many people organisation, societies, companies are helping people,social media is flooded with such messages to help people.