Thursday, January 12, 2012

walking alone..

walking alone can be pleasure if it is out of choice. it is peaceful  and giving you so much space.
you can ask question to yourself and god .can think about your dreams sorrow.
desire fear pain.aims relationships misery
walking alone in solitude may give you answers of your questions, may give you solution of your problems, if you think
it can awake your conscience sometimes you can clear all clutter in your mind.
 walking alone sometimes gets tough when you don't want to walk alone but there is no option only moving on
it is painful but through this you learn, grow, experience, and get best lesson of life 
i think we never walk alone we have our dreams aims memories to walk with us.
 your failure makes you walk alone ..your dreams or your aims make you walk alone
 and some people in your life always walk with you through thin and thick .they don't ask any questions and some people leave you
there could be so many reason.